Teen Workbooks Set of 10 — Childs Work Childs Play

Teen Workbooks Set of 10

Product Number : 1965A

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  • Help teens learn and develop their social skills 
  • Topics: anger, friendship, and aggression and bullying, choices, respect, self-esteem, conflict management, stress, safety, and resiliency-building    
  • Each workbook includes reproducible, self-assessments, exercises, and educational handouts

By John J. Liptak, EdD and Ester A. Leutenberg - Illustrator Amy Brodsky, LISW-S. Reproducible Self-Assessments, Exercises and Educational Handouts.

Set includes one each of the following titles:

Teen Anger Workbook
This workbook is designed to help teens engage in self-reflection, examine their thoughts and feelings that lead to feelings of anger, and learn effective tools and techniques for effectively managing feelings of anger. This book is unique in that it combines two powerful psychological tools for anger management: self-assessment and journaling.

Teen Friendship Workbook
This workbook will serve as a guide to assist teens in choosing their friends wisely, thus avoiding potentially risky situations. Being able to say "no" and not be negatively influenced by peers is one of the goals of this book.

Teen Aggression & Bullying Workbook
This is designed to help teens engage in self-reflection, examine their thoughts and feelings that lead to feelings of aggression, and learn effective tools and techniques for effectively managing these feelings. This book combines two powerful psychological tools for the management of aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors: self-assessment and journaling.

Teen Choices Workbook
 Choices allow teens to change how they are currently living their lives (if they are not happy where they are) or continue to live responsibly by making even more effective choices. This book includes five sections: Teen Action Choices, Teen Relationship Choices, Teen Cultural Differences, Teen "not-so-great" Choices, Teen Risk-taking Behavior.

Teen Respect Workbook
This workbook contains five separate sections to help participants learn more about themselves and the skills that they possess (and those they need to learn) in order to be of service to other people and make a contribution to the welfare of others. They will learn about the importance of these skills in developing personal and professional success.

Teen Self-Esteem Workbook
This workbook is designed to help teens engage in self-reflection, examine their thoughts and feelings that either enhance or detract from healthy self-esteem, and learn effective tools and techniques for building feelings of self-esteem and self-worth. This book combines three powerful psychological tools for the management of aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors: self-assessment, journaling and role-playing, to enhance empathy and allow teens to practice self-esteem building strategies.

Teen Conflict Management Skills Workbook
This workbook is designed to help teens learn more about themselves, identify the primary reasons they get into conflicts, and find better ways to use their newfound conflict management skills to develop and maintain happy, healthy casual, personal, intimate and workplace relationships.

Teen Stress Workbook
The Teen Stress Workbook contains five separate sections to help teens learn more about themselves, the skills they possess, and to manage the stress that occurs in their lives. Participants will learn new skills and the importance of preventing, managing and coping with stress and its symptoms. Included are the following reproducible pages: assessment instruments, activity handouts, role plays, quotations, reflective questions for journaling, and educational handouts.

Teen Safety Workbook
Being a teen has always been challenging, but today teens face issues that have been compounded by a rapidly changing society and a plethora of technology. These changes require new strategies in ways to teach teens to protect themselves from the challenges they will constantly face in school and community, and with their friends and family. Some of the areas in which teens need to worry about their personal safety include: Risks related to violence including bullying, exposure to gangs, and harm from guns and other weapons.

The Teen Resiliency-Building Workbook
Contains five separate sections to help participants learn more about themselves and how to build the resiliency which will enable them to thrive in times of adversity, change and stress. They will learn about the importance of building resiliency skills to turn change and stress into opportunities and challenges, to live life zestfully, and to take positive actions in order to live their lives with less stress.